Welcome to Virtual VBS for GrownUp Girls® 2017 Week One! This year we’re meeting in a private Facebook group, where it’s easier for us to comment, share posts, videos, and images in real time. You’re welcome to join us anytime by clicking here.
For those who don’t do Facebook or just want the highlights, here’s a recap:
Reading Assignment:
Read the book of 2 Peter straight through once, in the translation of your choice, and then re-read 2 Peter 1:1-11 several times throughout the week. Every few verses, pause to ask the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions. Underline key words or phrases in your Bible and record in a notebook or journal any thoughts, questions, or insights.
Scripture Memory Verse: 2 Peter 1:3

Wednesday Mini Post:
Sharing a few thoughts as we begin our study…
You know, what we call the book of 2 Peter is actually an epistle – a letter, written to the early Church — meant to encourage believers who were struggling, suffering, and experiencing fierce opposition and persecution.If it were a blog post today, it might be called: “Five Ways to Hold Onto Your Faith in Hard Times” – or – “Spiritua
l Strength-Training Tips to Help You Stand Strong.”
If it was a click-bait post on Facebook, the breathless headline might read, “Escape the World’s Corruption with This Powerful Truth” or “Are You at Risk for Going Blind — Becoming Fruitless, Ineffective and Unproductive? What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know!”
There’s so much we’ll explore together over the next six weeks, but today I’m struck by this thought: the call to action in this letter is a call to grow in “the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Greek word for knowledge (epignosis) means “knowledge gained through first-hand relationship… contact knowledge…experiential knowing.” (HELP Word Studies)So it’s a call to a deeper personal relationship with Christ – first-hand experience knowing Him, loving Him, walking with Him daily.
Notice it doesn’t say “to keep you from being ineffective in your SERVICE to Christ.” Yes, service naturally flows out of our love and devotion to Him – and it’s often the fruit — but it’s not the focus.
It’s not about what we do for Him… If all He wanted was servants, He could have wrapped up Creation after He made the angels. But He says, “I have called you friends…” (John 15:5)Let’s keep that in mind, even as we make every effort to respond to His promises by adding to our faith all those awesome qualities described in 2 Peter 1:5-8.
Thursday Discussion / Journaling Questions:
1) Re-read 2 Peter 1:3. How have you experienced God’s provision (physically or spiritually) in the past? How has He met you where you are (or were) and provided everything you needed “for life and godliness”? Where do you most need His provision in your life today?
2) The Apostle Peter says “we have these very great and precious promises” (vs 4). What are some of those promises? Do you have a favorite? Which ones are you standing on today?
3) What other insights have you received from your study of 2 Peter this week? Is there a particular verse, thought, or theme that’s been particularly meaningful to you?
If you’d like to share your answers, you’re welcome to comment below this post…
Blessings to you!
Looking forward to Week 2…