Radio Ministry
Take It To Heart!®
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Radio Ministry 2001-2018
It’s not enough to know God’s Word…
You’ve got to Take It To Heart!®
For seventeen years — back before podcasting — I hosted the internationally syndicated radio show, Take It To Heart!® The two-minute daily devotional program challenged listeners to take the powerful truths of the Bible and really apply them to everyday life. It was broadcast on more than 200 stations across the U.S., Canada, Latin America, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and other places all over the world. The program aired on the Moody Radio Network, the Bott Radio Network, and the Northwestern Radio Network, among others.
More than just a “thought for the day,” each broadcast was designed to motivate and inspire listeners to be found “doing the will of God from the heart.” (Ephesians 6:6) Programs featured real-life stories, rich word pictures, Biblical illustrations, and touches of humor, to call listeners to enthusiastically seek after God, giving them practical tools to help deepen their personal relationship with Christ.
Production of the daily program ended in April 2018, though some stations continued to air previously recorded broadcasts on their own schedule. The show archives and website were retired in 2021.
Much of the material from the broadcasts either came from or later made its way into my books, and I try to post similar kinds of content on my blog and social media. I’m glad we’ve connected here!