I hesitated, as I stood over the trash can, and took a deep breath. It seemed sacrilegious to throw away a perfectly good book.
I caressed the elegant cover and flipped through the pages one more time. I re-read the title, so full of promise, so beautiful, so appealing. Then I reminded myself:
“It’s this, or you’re going to end up in therapy…”
I pictured hospital orderlies dragging me away in a strait jacket. And I tossed the book in.
I’d have to find a different devotional for my morning Bible study next week.
This week I have the honor and privilege of sharing at Grace Table — I’m talking about what to do when you can’t do all the wonderful things you want to. When you can’t love and give and serve others the way you dreamed. I hope you’ll join me!
To read the rest of my post, click here or go directly to www.gracetable.org.
“GraceTable is… a virtual soup kitchen, a ‘free space’ where hungry hearts and souls can find nourishment…. GraceTable is a space for sharing stories about food, faith and how these things connect us to the world beyond our front doors. Here we celebrate the joy and beauty of practicing hospitality, as well as wrestle with the challenges that come with actually extending this kind of hospitality. We know it’s not as easy as it sounds. We’re not afraid to tell our broken stories. We’re letting you in to the kitchen, we’re opening the door while the vacuum is still in the foyer, we’re pulling out a chair and swiping the crumbs into our hands as you pull-up to the table.”