Saying Goodbye to 2013

by | Dec 30, 2013 | Christin's Blog Posts

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” ~ Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

This time of year, I always try to find a few moments to sit down with a cup of coffee, a calendar, a journal and my Bible and reflect on all that’s happened in the past twelve months.

Many years, I’ve found myself thinking of the opening line to Dickens’ novel… because there are so many wonderful things that have happened — and so many awful ones. When people ask me, “How was your year?” I realize that it depends what I choose to focus on.

I can focus on the hardships, the heartaches, the hopes deferred. The hopes shattered.

Or I can focus on the blessings, the answers to prayer, the amazing, miraculous, surprisingly wonderful moments that happened along the way.

I can look at how far I still have to go, still have to grow… or how far I’ve come.

How far He has brought me.

So how was 2013 for you?

I have to admit, I’m ready for a fresh start, a new beginning. I’m really excited about some things God has whispered to my heart — a vision He’s given me for this new year. And I can’t wait to share it with you!

I’m going on a journey. A brand new adventure. I want you to come, too!

I hope you’ll join me as together we discover something all women should know. Or rather Someone. As we draw closer and dig deeper and experience the Life we were created for. The Love we were created for.

“He makes all things new…” (Revelation 21:5)

Stay tuned… details to come!

Until then, Happy New Year!

In His Love,

You crown the year... Psalm 65:11