Journal Prompt: What Am I Afraid Of?

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Christin's Blog Posts, Facing Fear

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!” Isaiah 26:3 NLT

We’re on a journey to becoming fearless in 2014! For me, journaling is a great way to open my heart and let Jesus shine His light of truth on whatever we find there. I don’t always know what I’m really thinking or feeling until I try to put it into words….

If you’re not big on journaling, let me just say that I don’t do it every day — and it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can journal in a beautiful little notebook with a special pen, if that inspires you. But you can also journal in a spiral notebook or on a piece of scratch paper or in an app on your smartphone. You can draw or paint or scrapbook.  I’ve got some great examples on my Journaling board on Pinterest.

It’s really whatever works for you!

See if you can find a few quiet moments sometime today or over the weekend…

Journal Prompt: What Am I Afraid Of?

Here are some questions to get you started. Some are more “big picture” than others. Don’t try to answer them all, all at once! Just choose whichever ones speak to you.

~ What are the three biggest things that I’m nervous / anxious / worried / fearful about right now? What am I afraid of? What’s weighing on me? What — if anything — can I do about each of these things?

One of the psalmist’s favorite ways to face his fears was to remember who God is and what God had already brought him through. (See Psalm 34, for instance)

~ What are some of the fears that I have already faced and — by God’s grace — lived through or overcome? What did I used to be afraid of or worried about, that I’m not afraid of  (or worried about) anymore?

~ What are three things I’ve done in my life that I never thought or never imagined I would have the courage to do? How was I able to do those things?

~ What are three things I want to do or need to do or feel God is calling me to — that I’m afraid to? Why? What is it specifically that worries or frightens me? What Scriptures speak to that heart issue? (If you need some examples, see 52 Verses on Facing Fear

Some people say you should do something every day or every week that scares you. (Obviously we’re talking about tackling a difficult challenge or embracing a spirit of adventure, not running out into traffic.) Ask yourself:

~ What could I do this week to challenge myself? What “scary” task or project or new adventure could I attempt? What (healthy) risk could I take?

Keep in mind it’s all relative. There are times — especially times of grief or loss — when getting out of bed and getting dressed every day is a challenge! When doing everyday life is scary enough.

Then there are other times to work on those things on your bucket list — go on a short-term missions trip, sign up for a 5K, take dance lessons or music lessons, perform on stage, write a poem or a novel or a play, jump out of an airplane. (Personally, I don’t ever care to have enough “spirit of adventure” for that last one — but I have friends who do, and hooray for them! I’m cheering for them, right here. Safely on the ground.)

~ Who are three people whose courage and bravery inspires me? (in Scripture, in history, in the world, in my own circle of friends) Why do they inspire me? What can I learn from them?

The answers to some of these questions may be very personal, but if there are any you feel like sharing — if it helps to put it out there — I’m listening….

And praying that God will continue to encourage and strengthen your heart today!