
Results for "lovely"
When Worry Is Weighing On You

When Worry Is Weighing On You


“I heard a lovely story of a little boy bending over some tulips in the park, totally oblivious as he smelled them. As he straightened up, a grown-up walking past heard him say, ‘Well done, God!’ And that’s what I do. I go over the lovely flowers in my life that God has grown out of trust. I say, ‘Well done, God!’ That’s great therapy for worry.”

If you haven’t alread

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Being Thankful For Our Thorns

Being Thankful For Our Thorns

…His Name; He forgets not His own.

The gathering together part was lovely – and my little heart loved singing praises to His Name. That “He forgets not His own” was one of those truths that seemed so obvious then.

Of course God never forgets us, never forsakes us, never relaxes His hold on us. He’s GOD. God is good. And God is love.

I remember being vaguely aware that “chasten” was an old-fashioned word for discipline. I’m…

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